Welcome to CarefreeCarfree…
…our blog about living family life unwheeled.
We are Helen and Thomas. We live in London with our two lovely daughters, a very grumpy tabby cat and a fluffball kitten. We don’t own a car, and never have done. In fact, neither of us have driving licences (though I’d get a great deal on insurance, having not driven a car since the day I passed my test 22 years ago!).
When people find out we don’t drive we often meet with surprise, even disbelief, followed up by lots of questions. How do we manage holidays? How do we do day trips? What about DIY and buying furniture? How do we cope with after-school clubs and activities? Is it really possible to make long train journeys as a solo adult with young children?
This blog provides the answers to these questions, as well as many more. Part rambling anecdotes about our car-free adventures, part tips and hints, part itineraries and planning, we’d love it to be a celebration of car-free travel as cleaner, greener, cheaper and more fun, and an encouragement to anyone wanting to make more journeys car-free.